Setting a Few Things Straight

There's been a whole lot of exquisitely erroneous information flying around Porntown lately, and I thought I'd step a little out of character here for just a minute by using this platform to debunk at least some of it.

First and foremost, somebody somewhere has taken it into their head that Teal Conrad is dating Derek Hay. This is 100 percent false. How do I know this? Well, I talk to Teal Conrad on virtually a daily basis. I talk to Teal Conrad's mother on occasion. I have had many dinners with Teal Conrad and her boyfriend. Who is absolutely, positively not Derek Hay. So I'd say my certainty on this matter is beyond question.

Then there's this story about Skin Diamond getting booked by Princess Donna to do a "private" with a dude named Victor involving Skin getting beaten to a pulp. This is 99 percent false. How do I know that? I called Skin Diamond—because I've been friends with Skin Diamond since before she'd done porn for just about anybody other than Joanna Angel—and asked her. She explained to me that the flogged-up photos of her that appeared online had nothing to do with this so-called "private" encounter. THAT, she told me, consisted mostly of her and Donna getting drunk together in this dude's bathtub, because he passed out shortly after they showed up. 

Now to address the glaring issue at hand, it must be noted that not only is there a big difference between performing a pro BDSM session and engaging in private sex work, but Skin insisted this was an exception to her regular rule of doing neither. And I believe her. As to those photos ... THOSE were the result of the birthday beating she took from her "Daddy" on the Upper Floor at, out of her own desire and for which she begged her agent, Mark Spiegler, to give her a week off so that she'd be able to heal up and look proper for standard, non-flogging-related video work.

There's a lot more I could spill here, but it's from sources I'm not at liberty to reveal. Yet. My overall intent in giving up the info I have above is to raise this question: If the yarns certain people have been peddling in regard to these gals is such blatant horseshit, how much credence should be given to the rest of what they've been saying?

Now back to our regularly scheduled Scrogging.

